Some people take every scripture into account in an absolute sense. But is that a good method of application of scripture? For example, the Scriptures that say that nothing is impossible with God. Is that true in an absolute sense?

Is there anything that God cannot do?

Let me help you answer that question for yourself. let's ask a few more questions:

Can God lie? Although the scriptures say that nothing is impossible with God, the Scriptures also say that God cannot lie.

Can God commit adultery? Can God sin?

The scriptures declare that God cannot sin, that He is holy, full of goodness and light.

Therefore, my dear friends, the scriptures that declare that nothing is impossible with God is only true within the boundaries of scripture.

Therefore, you should not take this Scripture in an absolute sense, but rather a relative sense because other Scriptures contradict the notion that absolutely nothing is impossible with God.

Another example is that of love. Most Christians would agree that Jesus is the personification of love, and indeed He is! But the definition of love to one person can mean something completely different than the definition of love to another person.

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One thing is certain, you cannot please everybody. Therefore it doesn't matter what you do, someone will be offended. When someone is deeply offended, all too often they cry "hate!"

So then, how can one walk in love? The answer is simple. Imitate Jesus: the personification of love!

We can all point to scriptures proving the kindness of Christ. These scriptures include records of Jesus teaching, healing, feeding and forgiving many people. But let's not take that out of perspective. The "personification of love" also called a woman a dog, King Herod a fox, religious leaders white washed tombs full of dead men's bones, vipers, devils, and sons of Satan. The one who called down so much blessing, also invoked many woes upon the disobedient. He even judged some of the Pharisees as blasphemers of the Holy Spirit of which there is no forgiveness, damning them to eternal torment.

When is the last time you saw a priest or pastor like that? Yet as leaders of Christianity they are obligated to imitate Christ.

But, in all truth, if a Christian leader were to imitate Christ, then he would be accused of being unloving, unkind, and judgmental.

Some people like to quote the famous "judge not" scriptures.However, lets not ignore the fact that Godly men and women throughout the ages was accused of judging others. In fact, we see this kind of accusation from the beginning. In the book of Genesis, Lot, who was a Godly man, whom God favored, condemned the gay tendencies of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. What was their response to Lot? "who are you to judge?"

Therefore the "judge not" teaching is another example of taking Jesus teaching out of context for the purpose of self-justification or retaliation. They have heard Jesus famous "judge not" teaching, and assume that nobody should judge anyone under any circumstance. This is taking the scripture out of context. Could you imagine a country who never judged its inhabitants for crimes committed. It would be hell on in earth. There would be no law, or least no enforcement of that law. There would be complete and total anarchy. People would be allowed to do whatever they want, be it rape, murder, stealing..etc..etc.. because there is no rebuttal. There is no judging. There is no consequences. Obviously, this is not what God wants. This is not what Jesus meant when He said, "judge not".

Judging is something that everyone does every day. What color are the words you are reading? Are they black? Yes? If you say so, then you judged them as black. We make judgments large and small every moment of our life. Your brain would not be able to perform one function without a judgment. Judgments are an inseparable part of life.

Bagikan :

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